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Tails of Two Tibbies | Introducing my partners in crime Cody & Tyler



Yep! These are my babies, and it was high time that I introduced them to you. Or you to them, or… well, as long as you have treats, you will get slurps, wiggles and awwrooooooos!

Cody is the blondie, and Tyler is the white/rust one. They are both Tibetan Spaniels, brothers of different parents. They have very unique personalities and they could not be more different from one another. One is the yin an the other the yang. By and by you will discover which is which, though you may be able to figure that one out from these images.




These two love to ride, preferably with the top down, but that is not a requirement. Considering the traveling they have done and are going to do, that is a very good thing. I am not sure if they love to ride more than chicken, though, I have never tested them on that. I think it would be a tie. A car ride with a side of chicken would be perfect.


Cody was born on O’ahu and Tyler is a New Zealander. They have lived in Honolulu, Puerto Vallarta and now California. When airlines will come to their senses and let them ride as proper passengers in seats (they are better behaved and quieter than some people), they will also fly to Italy with me to meet the grandparents. Or I could always win the lottery, of course, then we would simply hire a private jet. Can you say jackpot?




Just like all super loved and super spoiled pooches, they have lots of nicknames. Just to name a few: Cody, aka Codes, aka Yoda, aka Smartypants, aka Little Buddha, aka Snyffindor. Tyler goes by Tylie, aka Stitch, aka Tilly Tullipan, aka Ham, aka Hufflepuff. Both go by poppets, piglets, fluffy-butts, wigglers, splooshies, ze boyz … The list can get seriously long.




They also have theme songs which showed up when they were still puppies. Cody’s theme song is Feeling Hot Hot Hot, and Tyler’s is Real Wild Child by Iggy Pop.

Then there are also songs that I sing to them by adapting the words, for example…

I’ve got Cody, I’ve got Tyler, I’ve got leashes, who could ask for anything more!

We go walkies in green pastures, I’ve got puppies, who could ask for anything more!

You all know where this one is from, right?




Being my babies I have tons of photos of them taken with the real camera, and a gazillion more snapped on the spot with the various iPhones over the years. The numbers can only grow.


I photographed these images in Honolulu at Maunalua Bay at sunset as part of a series I did for a calendar. They did not make the calendar because they were not wearing clothes (no way, José), or goggles (whaaaat! with our pug noses? no way, José), or even lei (what is that? do you eat it?).




This post is intended to be the first of a series in which I update you on their story, adventures and foibles. I will also be doing throw-backs as the boyz are eight (Tyler) and nine (Cody) and there are a lot of past stories and photos to cover. I have not yet decided whether I will write the new posts as me or as them. We will see, I will go with what is more fun.

I hope you will ride along with us, virtually and maybe literally some day. Just make sure to bring treats!


Below is one of my favorite images of them and the one I have as screensaver on my iPhone. Of course, it was taken with an iPhone, 4 I think.




Cody and Tyler also have their own Facebook page, so maybe you can swing by and like it for (almost) daily updates. If you want to actually see said updates in your stream, though, you will have to select ‘get notifications’, or FB will hijack the posts hoping I will pay to make them visible. But let’s not go there.


Soooo… do you have dogs? How many? What kind? What are their names? Or cats, for that matter, or horses, goats, donkeys, just any animal that you love and is part of your life. Let’s exchange stories in the comments.


Wiggles & woofs! )~



Read more about my Tibbies:



And these are more Tales of Tales for you to enjoy:


You can also follow them on their Facebook page. We all like new friends!


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  • Lorraine @Not Quite Nigella06/23/2015 - 9:51 pm

    I dearly want a little dog with a squishy little face like this! I even dream of them 🙂ReplyCancel

    • Monica Schwartz06/24/2015 - 11:57 am

      Awwww. Tibbies are very sweet, loving and mellow dogs. Very fluffy, too! 🙂
      Of course, like all dogs, they are a lifetime commitment and require lots of love and attention. <3ReplyCancel

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