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Needing Energy, Passion or Grounding? Red is Your Ally!

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Welcome back! In this post we will begin our journey through the chakra colors. Hope you enjoy it!


Starting at the base of the spine we have the first chakra. This one is related to the color Red. It rules the adrenal glands (fight or flight response), the note of middle C, the scent of sandalwood (there are others as well), red gems such as garnets and rubies (again, many other choices), and Red relates to our survival instincts and issues of shelter, food, sexual impulses, and safety. It also relates to our energy level, being grounded, being able to manifest, having courage, and being passionate about something or someone.




When we have too much red in our system we might hold too much anger, rage, jealousy, have inappropriate issues around sex, money, shelter, food and relationships, or be too overbearing or over controlling.

If we have too little we might experience a lack of energy or courage, being ungrounded or unable to manifest, or lacking passion in our lives.




Remember that the idea around color therapy is that we restore balance to each chakra. We know through our issues which chakras are lacking balance having either too little or too much of that color. If we have too little, we add it in through things such as foods, gems, scents, clothing, bringing the color in through objects in our environment, through music, affirmations and so forth. If we have too much, we bring in the complementary color to rebalance the amount of color we have too much of.




In the case of red, the complementary color is green. So if one were experiencing a lot of anger issues, or were overbearing we would advise them to use green. By incorporating more green into one’s life, the red lessens in intensity and becomes balanced over time. And if we are lacking in red, some issues might be lack of energy, being ungrounded, unable to manifest, lack of passion or energy for life, living in fear, unable to move forward in life. In that case, we would add red to our diet and environment to bring the red back into balance in our energy system.




I have known people with anger issues as I’m sure you have. These people are not necessarily bad people although they can do bad things when driven by their anger. They are stuck in the first chakra, allowing the red energy to take charge and take the lead in their lives. If we can spread the word about how color influences and drives us, perhaps we can take a step forward towards more peace as we each learn how to mitigate anger and other challenging red issues.




In addition to bringing in green when we wish to soften the overabundance of red in one’s energy system, we can add in the color that relates to the quality we wish to enhance. For example, if our goal is to bring more peace in, we would first add the green in to soften the red, then add in the color of peace which is blue.


As you can see, learning about what each color represents and what colors can help us do with our lives is a handy tool to have. Color is inexpensive, easy, and gentle. And yet it is powerful, effective, and supportive.




To bring in more RED:

EAT red foods such as red apples, red meat, red licorice, raspberries, strawberries, red jello, tomatoes and tomato based sauces and dishes

WEAR red clothing; red socks are especially fun to wear when you need red; red accessories and jewelry

DRINK red liquids such as red wine, and red juices

DISPLAY red flowers close to you on your desk or by your bed

USE red accessories around your room

EMPLOY red bed linens and towels

CREATE using red crayons, paints, pastels and other red items in your creative projects

HOLD red gems such as ruby, or garnet

DIFFUSE essential oils that relate to red such as sandalwood

DROP red flower essences into your drinks or straight into your mouth under your tongue

SPRAY Simply Color Red around your body, in your spaces and in your car




To bring in more GREEN

EAT green foods such as green veggies, green salads, mint ice cream

WEAR green clothing, jewelry and accessories

DRINK green liquids such as green smoothies, wheat grass juice

DISPLAY green flowers or plants beside your bed or on your desk

USE green accessories in your environment

EMPLOY green bed linens and towels

CREATE using green crayons, paints, pastels and other green items in your creative projects

HOLD green gems such as jade or emerald

DIFFUSE essential oils the relate to green such a peppermint

DROP green flower essences into your drinks or straight into your mouth under your tongue

SPRAY Simply Color Green around your body, in your spaces, and in your car




I hope you will enjoy our journey through the rainbow colors and learn how to use color to enhance and empower your own life! Next up is Orange!




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Color expert Diantha Harris offers a series of tools to help you reach your life’s potential, among which are classes, personal consultations, in-depth readings, a series of color sprays she has created especially, and two wonderful books chock full of information. Her newest book, Simply Color for Everyday Living, was published just recently and is the long awaited sequel to her first, Simply Color, Second Edition. Both books and all services are available through her website, Life Potentials.


Other Articles by Diantha and about color you might enjoy:




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  • Marilyn12/01/2015 - 5:04 pm

    I love that we can bring red — or any other color — into our lives in so many ways, including the foods we choose to eat.

    Ever since wandering in the guest room where my inventory of handwoven kitchen towels was spread across the bed and noticing lots of blue and very little red, I’ve been paying attention to where red does show up in my life. It seems I have plenty in my environment (including the bedspread underneath all those towels) and less in my clothes closet and my weaving choices.

    This post has gotten me thinking about how I can be more intentional with red.ReplyCancel

    • Monica Schwartz12/03/2015 - 1:50 pm

      Hi Marilyn: for the longest time red remained my least favorite color. I knew I had an issue with it, but other than for Christmas decorations and places where my artist’s eye thought some red would work, I rarely owned anything red that was more personal: like shoes, clothes, blankets or home decor. Consider it has always been my mom’s favorite color – other than pink. After years of cars in silver & black colors, in 2010 I fell in love with a Chili red Mini Cooper convertible, and lo and behold, I bought a red car!! To me that was a big sign that something had healed inside me. I have made my peace with red and enjoy it in many shapes and forms now. 🙂
      Would love to know how your getting more intentional with red will bring changes into your life and your energy.
      Happy December! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Linda Wiggen Kraft12/02/2015 - 9:03 am

    Thanks for sharing the beauty and power of red Diantha and Monica.
    Wise words and beautiful photosReplyCancel

    • Monica Schwartz12/03/2015 - 1:52 pm

      Thank you, Linda. I am happy you enjoyed the piece. <3ReplyCancel

  • Cindy12/02/2015 - 3:17 pm

    beautiful article and photos are amazing as always!!ReplyCancel

    • Monica Schwartz12/03/2015 - 1:52 pm

      Thank you, Cindy. <3ReplyCancel

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