As explained in part one, Adima’s garden is too extensive to cover in just one post, or it would take me days to prep and post images, and it would take you a long time to scroll through and view them all.
I thought it was now time for part two (of four) and today I am showing you the vegetable garden. You find your way down some steps till just past one of the rose gardens, and look either left or right depending on which stairway you have selected.
Vegetables are pretty much grouped in one area, but fruits can be found here and there all over the place, as that is how the previous owners had started things, and how Adima has continued to allow and expanded on. Enjoy the visit!
And as you find your way back up and traipse a bit towards the left among the flowers you will find…..
…. strawberries!!! And what do you do with strawberries? First you pick them, place them in a lovely bowl and then… give them a shower, of course!
I hope you have enjoyed this further exploration of Adima’s garden and time out from winter. The next chapter will show more about that beautiful shower you saw above and even bathing in the garden. Because isn’t that just one of the most wonderful things to do in a garden?