Meet Yuki, a super adorable white Siberian Husky who lives on O’ahu. Oh yes, she does! That is why our Hula-girl-wanna-be calendar photo shoot turned into a Yuki-of-the-Jungle splash-in-the-creek photo shoot.
Unfortunately Yuki did not make the calendar cut, despite her cuteness and many transformations: Yuki of the Jungle, Yuki Hula Girl, and Yuki Indiana Jones.
Actually, when I led Yuki and her family towards this part of the park, I was aiming for shade. I did not realize I would have a water girl on my hands. Yuki stepped in and started walking up and down the stretch of creek drinking and splashing to her heart’s content. And after she decided to plop her tush in the creek, we all gave up on the Hula girl part and fished the lost “grass” skirt out of the water.
And when she was done, she was done!
I photographed Yuki at a favorite location in Honolulu: Nu’uanu Valley Park, which is just behind Queen Emma summer palace off the Pali Highway.
And for those of you who love Siberian Huskies (or Huskies in general), I found this very informative and well created infographic on a dog lover’s site called Dogs Barn. It will help you decide whether a Husky is for you and offer a lot of information about them.
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