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Looking for Happiness? Try Sunny Yellow!

This article contains affiliate links, but these are products I really love. xoxo M



When people are asked what does yellow remind them of, the answer is often “the sun”. When children draw the sun it is always a big yellow orb that takes up most of the sky. The image often has rays emanating from it, and it practically vibrates with energy and life. This is yellow: a bright, sunny color that brings us joy and puts a smile on our faces.


Yellow energy is associated with our solar plexus energy center, and is seen in some martial arts practices as being the sun center of our bodies. It relates to our digestive system, so symbolically rules all sorts of assimilation from foods to knowledge.




Yellow is pure joy. It is very up front, and different from the more complex joy found in orange, which tends towards a deeper kind of joy known as bliss. Yellow is putting focus onto a subject, or putting energy into taking something in. Students can wisely use yellow to help them assimilate what they study, and it assists us in our memory process.


The main characteristics of yellow are that of sunny joy, having clear thinking and focus, having a good sense of humor, being outgoing, seeking knowledge, being curious, assimilating things, and remembering.

When we do not have enough yellow, we can have trouble with remembering and being absent minded. We can have a weak ego, and feel insecure, especially around others. It can cause a feeling of detachment, of being fearful, and even suspicious.




An overabundance of yellow can indicate a person with an inflated sense of self, someone critical or pessimistic, a self-centered bloviating individual, or someone who is very controlling and abusive.

The journey through and with yellow can help us learn how to achieve a healthy sense of self, how to share, and how to use humor and joy to enhance our lives.


Yellow is the color that most of us readily see, and it is used in traffic signs indicating caution. It gets out attention, and we pay attention when we see yellow. In the world of nature, it is often seen in creatures and insects to indicate to other beings that they are to be avoided in case they pose danger, such as poisonous snakes and stinging insects like wasps and bees.




One aspect of paying attention is by creating the activity of focusing. Therefore yellow is used to help us focus on something, whether it is signage, lights, or that buzzing bumblebee. It is used to paint lines on highways and streets to help us focus on traffic patterns and directions.

Since it helps students learn and retain information, it can be used successfully in schoolrooms, and even at home where homework and studying takes place.


Yellow can also be used to help counteract depression, unless that depression is chemically based. The condition of Seasonal Affective Disorder that occurs when the hours of sunlight are quite diminished can also be positively influenced with the use of yellow.




Here are some ways to bring more yellow into your life:

EAT:  yellow squash, lemons, bananas, yellow apples, acorn squash, pineapple, mango

DRINK:  lemonade, hot lemon water

WEAR:  yellow clothing, particularly over the solar plexus area

DISPLAY:  yellow flowers such as mums, zinnias, daffodils, tulips, forsythia

USE:  yellow accessories in clothing and home décor

EMPLOY: yellow linens, towels, blankets, placemats, dishes

CREATE:  art using yellow pencils, pastels, paints, papers, wool, fabrics etc.

HOLD:  yellow gems and stones in your hands

DIFFUSE: essential oils that relate to yellow such as lemon or citrus

DROP:  yellow flower essences into your drinks, or directly under your tongue

SPRAY: Simply Color Yellow Spray around your body, on your pillow, into your car




The complementary color to Yellow is Purple. Remember that, to diffuse the energy of too much yellow, we would bring in its complimentary color. As stated above, having an overinflated ego, being arrogant, critical, stingy and controlling are all symptoms of needing to tamp down the excessive yellow energy in our systems.




To bring purple in:

EAT:  purple grapes, purple potatoes, eggplant

DRINK:  dark red wine, grape juice

WEAR:  any shade of purple

DISPLAY:  purple and lavender flowers

USE:  purple, lavender and violet accessories in your clothing and home décor

EMPLOY:  purple, violet, lavender linens, dishes, placemats, bath towels etc.

CREATE:  using crayons, paints, pencils, wool. papers etc. in varying shades of purple

HOLD:  purple, violet or lavender stones or gems in your hands

DIFFUSE: purple related essential oils such as violet or lavender

DROP: purple, violet, lavender flower essences in your water or under your tongue

SPRAY: Simply Color Purple Spray around your body, on your pillow, in your bath, your car




Don’t worry! Be Happy! Use Yellow!

Our next color is green. See you then!




— — — — —


Color expert Diantha Harris offers a series of tools to help you reach your life’s potential, among which are classes, personal consultations, in-depth readings, a series of color sprays she has created especially, and two wonderful books chock full of information. Her newest book, Simply Color for Everyday Living, was published just recently and is the long awaited sequel to her first, Simply Color, Second Edition. Both books and all services are available through her website, Life Potentials.


Other Articles by Diantha and about color you might enjoy:



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