I thought it was time for you to smile at a cute wiggler, so here is Cooper, or Super Duper Cooper as he is known to his family. This cutie pie is a Shetland Sheepdog who lives in my old neighborhood in Honolulu. He was one of the candidates for the calendar, but did not make the cut. A loss to the calendar, I’d say, given how cute he is.
I photographed him close to sunset at Moanalua Bay on, clearly, a rather windy day. We had to let him run around a bit, then when he had let off some steam, we were able to entice him with treats. Do you know a dog that you can’t entice with treats? Because I don’t. Ha!
There is not a lot of a story here, other than to say he is loved and spoiled by his family as he should be. So enjoy this sweet boy and let him bring a smile to your face.
On second thought, I would love to know: do you have a dog, or dogs? What kind? What are their names? Pet peeves? Personality traits?
Go and hug them for me now, and have a wonderful weekend! I will go hug mine.
If you enjoyed meeting Cooper, you might enjoy meeting more wiggly tails:
And my two piglets: