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So, how has your May been? Mine has been  much better, as in more fun. Things (projects) are still moving at a rather glacial pace, but they are moving, and May has gone by a teensy bit slower than April. At least I remember going through ALL weeks, and not skipping one. Now, when I will find the trick of going through my to-do list in a way that means I am not adding three new items for each one deleted, I will let you know. Well, if I figured that out it would be the equivalent of inventing the wheel, or almost. Kidding!


Anyway, I will not bore you with any diatribes this month, and instead guide you through the garden starting with the entrance. Being California, everything is already summer-lush, roses abound, and fruit trees show promise of deliciousness to come. So get yourself some coffee, tea or even a popsicle if you are looking at this on a hot afternoon, and follow me.




Above and below is the entrance to the property, already a riot of blooms and lush greens. Yep, that is my Mini in the parking area! The other is Dona’s car. Dona, by the way, is the creator of this garden. She is also a talented and renown photographer, while her husband John is a talented and renown artist. You can find out more about them here.




This fig tree is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen (structure wise) and, in a few more weeks, it will yield millions of seriously glorious figs.

Ah yes, like California poppies, mint grows like wildfire at this time of the year.




Some of the most stunning flowers are those of Passiflora, or passion fruit. Alas, I have yet to see a California plant yield fruits as well, or bring them to full ripeness. You need Hawai’i weather for that.

As you walk to the other side of the privacy fence, you will find the cottage, as well as the pool all ready for hot summer days.




If I remember correctly, the flowers above are Pineapple-Guava blossoms, and they taste delicious. Not sure if they manage to yield ripe fruit, though.

Beyond the circular lawn, which you have seen several times in previous posts, two pathways meander off into the bushes. We will follow Cody along one and see where it will lead us.




And here we are in the rose garden, which right now is in full bloom! Can you smell the roses?




While if we follow Ze Boyz along the other pathway among the bushes, we will find….





A labyrinth! Indeed I have walked this many times. Do you love labyrinths? If you know of any in the North Bay, please let me know in the comments.




Continuing on towards the back area (you have also seen this in previous garden posts), we find that one of my most favorite plants is in bloom: hydrangea! Aren’t these hydrangeas glorious? And consider this is California, not rainy Oregon or England, so these are pretty lush. I love hydrangeas in any color, and my future garden will have lots.




Back by the cottage and bathed in the sunset light is the butterfly garden. This means that butterfly-friendly plants have been planted here, and butterflies really do favor this area over all the others.




Meanwhile, on a rainy May day at a nearby vineyard….. Wineries love roses, and frequently plant them not just near the tasting room to help create a pretty garden, but also by the vineyards. In the past few weeks I have been enjoying roses in bloom by simply driving along the highway over the hills between Napa and Sonoma Valleys and down to Marin County.




The roses coming in the two images below don’t just look beautiful and have a stunning color, but they also smell divine. If you are in the area, these specific ones can be found at Robert Mondavi Winery in Oakville (Napa Valley).




I hope you have enjoyed this garden tour and feel refreshed from your little time-out. Now maybe you can take a few more minutes to step outside, take a deep breath and see how many shades of green you notice around you. Just a little invitation.

Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week!



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And if you enjoy nature and gardens, here are a few more:



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  • Michelle Gardner05/30/2017 - 2:20 pm

    Always a pleasure to have a peek into your colorful & fragrant adventures. My godmother graduated with a Master of Divinity at The San Francisco Theological Seminary where they have two labryinths on campus. Perhaps not a destination spot… though felt compelled to share as you conjured memories of the beauty of nature and peace of San Anselmo.ReplyCancel

    • Monica Schwartz05/30/2017 - 7:47 pm

      Thank you, Michelle! I guess there are more labyrinths in the Bay Area than I thought. xoxoReplyCancel

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