I thought I would show you something different today, something picked out of Dumbledore’s pensieve… Well, maybe not exactly his pensieve, but mine.
These images are among my early portrait work, taken at a time when I still used film and my old Nikon F. I thought it was time to give them a little airing. They are in a style I have not done in a while, and maybe I should give that an airing, too.
At the time, I tried to talk this young man into becoming a professional model, but…. Stubborn is as stubborn does, which translates into: it was not for him. Oh well, too bad.
Now the young man has a family of his own, and, when his five-year-old daughter was shown these portraits incognito, she placed her little hand on the images, looked up at us and, with her big blue eyes wide open, said: “Seexyyy!”
Even funnier was her face when we told her who it was. Consider, this is a little girl who, when she was four, informed us that she was going to marry John Cena, the wrestler. If you remind her now, she gets embarrassed, like any good teenager would.

Same hat, same guy, just further back in time
I am not revealing who this young man is, I will leave you with the mystery. Unless of course, you can guess.
I will share one more thing about my mystery model: his son is his spitting image, both in looks and demeanor, and by and by I will be sharing photos of him as well.
I still have that old Nikon F. It was my first, and you never forget your first.
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You have the most incredible talent with a camera, particularly portraiture which really captures a person’s soul. Love that you still have your first camera.
Thank you, Mizz D. That first camera has a bit of a story, so I could never let that go. 🙂