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Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe, in Choosing Color, How Do I know?



If I had a dime for every time someone has asked me about what color to use for their particular purpose, I would be a rich woman! Alas, that is not the case.

Imagine you are in a store, ready to buy an outfit for a special occasion, but you are torn between two colors. Each has a reason for you to buy it, each appeals to you for different reasons, but you cannot make up your mind as you are afraid you will buy the “wrong” color.

Or you are ready to decorate your house and are completely overwhelmed by the thousands and thousands of hues out there to choose from. Who hasn’t stood before the color chip aisle shaking their head in despair not knowing which hue is the “right” one and fearing making a mistake?

I love when people get engaged with color and get excited about what colors they are going to select for their situations. But I agree with you, it can be so overwhelming and confusing.




Recently, I received an e-mail from a friend who was anticipating a long weekend without her family around and decided she would use the free time to paint her main room, kitchen and hallway, all of which run together with the master bedroom off of said hallway. She wants everything to flow because the house is small, and she gave me two color choices that appeal to her.

“Which one would work best for us?” she asked. I know this person, so I already know which color scheme best fits her likes and dislikes. The reason she hesitated to use it is because she thinks another color scheme would fit the house better.




They live out in the country, but still within a few miles of the Gulf, beaches and sea breezes. She happens to love aquas, light blues and beachy colors put together with the neutral hue of sand. But she thought that, since they live in the woods, perhaps a more botanical color scheme might work better and be more appropriate to the house since they are not directly on the beach: a more sage green look with stronger browns.




Truthfully, both would “work” with what she has going on already in the house. But given her strong preference for the aqua palette, and given that either scheme could be incorporated into what she already has, I suggested she check in with which one really resonated for HER. Of course, I knew her answer before she told me. “Why,” I reasoned, “would you not jump at the chance to use a palette that makes your heart sing?!”

She answered that she was worried that the house would look better with the other color scheme.

“Who is living in that house?” I said. “You, or the house?”

After she laughed, she got my point and then settled into a conversation about what colors to put where and so forth.




At one point in our life, we lived in downtown Chicago, and our bedroom faced east. I am not a morning person – unless we have a dog, as we now do, but at that residence we did not have a dog! Chicago also can have weeks on end with cloudy skies, which can be depressing after a while, so I decided to do our bedroom in yellow with touches of pink and bits of dark green.

I loved that bedroom! It was always cheery and sunny even though it might be raining, snowing or foggy outside. I could easily get up in the morning with all that sunny yellow around me. It cheered me up considerably.




So here is my point: when you are selecting colors to surround yourself with in your home, or to wear, choose colors you love and that make your heart happy. If you are not sure or do not know where to start, a good color expert can help you get going. Likewise, a good book on color.

Even when you share space with someone, you need something in your color(s) in a prominent place. Sometimes our partners don’t have a strong preference for which colors to use, and for that we can be thankful. But sometimes they definitely have an opinion, which means we have to work in concert with their ideas and come up with compromises.

But it is all worth it. When you live in and around colors that support you and make you happy, your whole energy and energetic body shifts.



We will be talking more in the future through this blog about color, how it works with us, and what each color represents. Meanwhile, enjoy the short video above, and remember to surround yourself with the colors that resonate with you; you will find your life much more enjoyable, and you will be less anxious and stressed. To find out why, stay tuned for my next article.


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Notice: the following paragraph contains affiliate links, but these are products that I truly love.

Color expert Diantha Harris offers a series of tools to help you reach your life’s potentials, among which classes, personal consultations, in-depth readings, a series of color sprays she has especially created, and two wonderful books chock full of information. Her newest book, Simply Color for Everyday Living, was published just recently and is the long awaited sequel to her first, Simply Color, Second Edition. Both books and all services are available through her website, Life Potentials.


Other articles by Diantha and about color you might enjoy:



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  • Janet Hall09/15/2015 - 1:48 pm

    What a wonderful article and a fabulous video! I look forward to reading your new book and congratulations!
    With Love,

    • Monica Schwartz09/15/2015 - 2:01 pm

      Hi Janet: Diantha’s book is truly wonderful, and you are going to love it! Thank you for stopping by the blog. Monica 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Sonia (foodiesleuth)09/15/2015 - 1:57 pm

    Where I live…there are rainbows…and we live surrounded by vivid colors.

    When I was younger I opted for ‘safe colors’…my wardrobe consisted of a ‘rainbow’ of whites, off whites, pearl, beige, browns in all hues from caramel to chocolate) and the only touch of actual color was navy….My carpets were beige…my favorite dishes in taupe and navy except for the “good set” which had pastel greens with a touch of (minimal) coral… 😉

    As I have grown older my tastes have grown freer and bolder and I dress in all colors of the rainbow except for purple…I do not look good in any of the purple shades…I still sort of play it safe with the decor in the house, though…ReplyCancel

    • Monica Schwartz09/15/2015 - 2:00 pm

      Ah, Sonia…. We have yet to meet, but every time I think of you it’s in a swirl of colors. It is hard to imagine you in those ‘safe colors’. So glad you have found that freedom and boldness in colors, which reflects on so many aspects of our lives. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Geralvie Caplas06/10/2016 - 12:35 am

    Hi Diantha! I’ve been a fun of color meanings. It is fascinating to read your blogs regarding these. Thank you so much for every info you give us! :*ReplyCancel

    • Diantha06/10/2016 - 10:00 am

      Geralvie, I am so happy that you are enjoying the articles and are finding value in them. Enjoy our journey through the rainbow colors, and using color as your ally in all things! Many Blessings! xo dianthaReplyCancel

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