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In one fluid motion, Alessandra floated the silk Manto (cape, oversize shawl) over my head and draped it over my shoulders, enveloping almost all of my body. I instantly felt calmer, soothed, an effect unlike any other item of clothing I had ever worn. 

Water is where it all started. Water and her profoundly healing powers, in which Alessandra – first as student, then practitioner and then trainer of several holistic healing practices that include sound and the memory of water among others – has been immersed (sometimes literally) for several years now. 

The healing power of water – drinking it, bathing in it, swimming in it, floating on it, and even simply sitting by it – is well documented. I even feel better just visualizing myself by the ocean. However, to bring it all home for those of you who might still be unfamiliar with it, I suggest you take a look at the work of the late Masaru Emoto, which has been very much part of Alessandra’s own path.




The story of how water and silk combine can be pretty much summarized like this: one day, while on a walking meditation, Alessandra took a photo of a stream of water. She later realized how the photo, which had been captured in full presence and mindfulness due to her “in the zone” state at the time, still maintained and exuded all the energy of the water in that unrepeatable moment. Enter her life-long passion for design and creating beauty nurtured early through her family’s textile business, and soon the idea of transferring this energy to silk was born. 

Ah, to be embraced by soft, exquisite Italian silk in an oversized shawl format and imprinted with the image and energy of the “captured” water.
Alessandra Benetatos, or Adima, is the designer of these exquisite Manti, which represent the first and main creation of her brand, Adima Made in Presence.




As you explore the Adima Made in Presence website, you will discover the infinite care and integrity that has gone into the choice of materials and production of Adima’s Manti, grounded by the excellence of true Italian artisan craftsmanship. Each shawl is also described through Haiku, which I had the pleasure of translating into English for her. Poetry is truly the only way to capture the essence of these shawls.
These Manti are not just something beautiful to wear: they are a sensory and vibrational experience that is quite unique. The aim of each production is to bring the human being center stage and support each person’s connection with their own authentic Self. 

Alessandra experienced how different bodies of water in different locations carried a different vibration, a different personality. More photos were captured, more shawls created, each with its own unique vibrational signature. 
Just like when picking a tarot card or a color to receive a message, these shawls are best picked from that deeper intuitive place inside, that higher, more expansive Self who knows exactly what we need.
Ever since that first time, I have been wearing my Manto whenever I have felt out of wack, which has been more often than I care to admit, even to myself. I also wear it whenever I do healing on myself, or participate in one, as well as in meditation and for the joy of it.




I have been promising you this story for some time, ever since I introduced Adima’s beautiful home and garden in this post a few years ago. But good things do take time to mature and shift from the dream/inspiration level into the physical realm. They also take a lot of work. And Alessandra has been working tirelessly over the past few years to bring this dream of hers into reality.

What you see in these images is the beautiful showroom she has created in the heart of one of Milan’s historic and charming districts and where Alessandra has launched her designs and hosted several events over the past couple of years. I photographed this light-filled, stunning space during my most recent trip to Italy and I have been meaning to share it all with you sooner, but Alessandra had another project in the works that needed completion, so I waited for that.

That project is Alessandra’s own personal website through which she shares more deeply about herself, her passions and how she expresses it all. She does so through a beautifully captured video story which I have watched over and over and over, not because Alessandra is my beloved friend, but because it is truly mesmerizing, like a mini movie, and exudes such peaceful energy and so much of the essence of who Alessandra truly is. I invite you to view it at this link. The video is in Italian with English subtitles, and is best viewed in full screen.

Other videos featuring Alessandra and her creations can be found here, here and here as well as on her Instagram and Facebook streams. 




I don’t know what your experience is, but I have found that from the moment you have an inspired idea to the time you bring it into solid creation it has all shifted a lot. And then it shifts again, very quickly. I have noticed this to happen even faster in these past couple of years and I expect it will continue to be so as we move into the new decade. I feel that going with the flow will not only be a good idea, but the only way of living without losing our marbles. 

This has been true of Adima Made in Presence as well, and Alessandra’s various projects, which look like they are about to merge. On the practical level this translates to a new central location (to be revealed) plus several boutiques and pop-ups, which means that soon the beautiful Milan showroom will remain visible only through these images. 

The magic shawls, however, and all of Adima’s coming new designs, will still be available at other boutiques and locations, as well as through Design Italy, and by contacting Alessandra directly through either of her websites. She is very happy to receive and respond to your e-mails. 




I have also asked Alessandra/Adima to share her unique experience and path through a series of guest posts here on the blog, so if this introduction to this unique project has inspired you and you would like to know more about any aspect of it, I invite you to submit your questions either in the comments or directly to me via e-mail at monica@lifeoutofbounds.com. Depending on the question, we may answer in the comments, directly, or expand into a blog post.
So go ahead, don’t be shy, ask away.




Wishing you all a peaceful wrap up of this 2019 and a new year and decade that will flow for you with ease, joy and glory.


ADIMA MADE IN PRESENCE – Italy and Worldwide

Adima’s website | Alessandra’s personal website
contact Alessandra at: welcome@alessandrabenetatos.com or at info@adima.it








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